frk. jacobsen: thin dry sticks (vinyl album)
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Thin Dry Sticks explores a field of musical and emotional tensions - between earthbound realistic settings and cosmic
abstractions, between ancient Greece and 2018 Copenhagen life as well as melodic pop notions and sonic experimentation. Like
a playful journey through different times and situations, the album is an ode to the poetic and surreal moments that often mingle
with everyday life or dreams, e.g. the song “Doublo”. Here a windy bike ride through Copenhagen is interupted by the
incomprehensible experience of being two humans in one body.
The music composed by Anja Jacobsen (vocal, drums, keyboards) takes inspiration from pop all over the world as well as abstract
forms of music and sound art. Throughout most of the album a band is playing, consisting of Lars Bech Pilgaard (guitar), Lil Lacy
(keyboards, choir, cello) and Nicolai Kaas Claesson (bass, cello) - all contributing with personal flare and creative musicalities.
The texts are arranged as a play where different characters enter the stage and sing their lines. The mother Ida and her daughter
Miranda are the main characters, but also the elderly married couple Mr. and Mrs. Scorpii as well as Thanatos (death) and the
poet Stesichoros appear. The idea of a play origins from the experience of an individual as something which consists of many
different layers and roles at the same time. The self is not static but something that comes into existence and changes through
its relations with the world around it. The album Thin Dry Sticks presents the many levels, tensions and roles that occur
simultaneously in one person; in this case a woman who contains mother, daughter, birth, death and spouse at the same time.
abstractions, between ancient Greece and 2018 Copenhagen life as well as melodic pop notions and sonic experimentation. Like
a playful journey through different times and situations, the album is an ode to the poetic and surreal moments that often mingle
with everyday life or dreams, e.g. the song “Doublo”. Here a windy bike ride through Copenhagen is interupted by the
incomprehensible experience of being two humans in one body.
The music composed by Anja Jacobsen (vocal, drums, keyboards) takes inspiration from pop all over the world as well as abstract
forms of music and sound art. Throughout most of the album a band is playing, consisting of Lars Bech Pilgaard (guitar), Lil Lacy
(keyboards, choir, cello) and Nicolai Kaas Claesson (bass, cello) - all contributing with personal flare and creative musicalities.
The texts are arranged as a play where different characters enter the stage and sing their lines. The mother Ida and her daughter
Miranda are the main characters, but also the elderly married couple Mr. and Mrs. Scorpii as well as Thanatos (death) and the
poet Stesichoros appear. The idea of a play origins from the experience of an individual as something which consists of many
different layers and roles at the same time. The self is not static but something that comes into existence and changes through
its relations with the world around it. The album Thin Dry Sticks presents the many levels, tensions and roles that occur
simultaneously in one person; in this case a woman who contains mother, daughter, birth, death and spouse at the same time.